January, 2021 marks the beginning of a new year and I am back to photography. I have in enrolled in Phlorography 2021. This is an online class led by Jackie Kramer. My first assignment was to shoot the same flower using two different lens setups.

I have been doing my shopping remotely during the Covid pandemic so getting flowers is a challenge for me. I decided to use the floral shop of my local large Kroger and ordered tulips online. Any color, 15 blooms. Well, when the tulips were brought to the car, only 9/15 tulips had petals. 2 days later the petals are dropping and dropping. Nevertheless, one must make the best of the situation.

I used my full frame camera Canon 5D Mark IV with a Velvet 85 at F2 for the first picture. The second picture is with the Velvet 85 at F2 with a Raynox 250 added.